he is certainly the "bmerbap/b" or "merbepa" ("merbapen") of the lists and the _miebis_ of manetho. in both the lists and in manetho he stands fifth in order from mena, and he was therefore the sixth king of the ist dynasty. ...
he is certainly the "bmerbap/b" or "merbepa" ("merbapen") of the lists and the _miebis_ of manetho. in both the lists and in manetho he stands fifth in order from mena, and he was therefore the sixth king of the ist dynasty. ...
he is certainly the "bmerbap/b" or "merbepa" ("merbapen") of the lists and the _miebis_ of manetho. in both the lists and in manetho he stands fifth in order from mena, and he was therefore the sixth king of the ist dynasty. ...